Dear members Please to the following event Evening Workshop on HKIE Professional Assessment Organised by AC Division 19 May 2023 To be a Corporate Member of the HKIE, all applicants will
have to pass the Professional Assessment (PA) conducted by senior members of
the Institution. Depending on the membership routes, i.e. Scheme “A”, General
Experience, Academia or Mature, the candidates need to pass the interview
and/or the English writing assessment. During the PA, all candidates are
expected to demonstrate their technical competence as well as good English
writing and communications skills. However, a pilot scheme, in which the
Aircraft Discipline has participated, has been launched (initially for a year)
since April 2023 to accept alternative English qualifications in lieu of the
current English writing assessment, i.e. a general or technical essay. In
addition, a mentorship scheme was launched in April 2022 to help the potential
candidates to better prepare themselves for the membership application and the
subsequent PA. In order to explain to the potential applicants details of
the above schemes, the current competence-based professional assessment
processes as well as to address any application related questions that the
potential applicants may have, the Aircraft Division will organize a workshop
and you are all welcome to join. Date, Time
& Venue: 19th May 2023 (Friday) 6-8pm, Cathay City (details would be update via email upon
successful enrolment) Address: International
Airport, 8 Scenic Rd, Chek Lap Kok Speakers/ Facilitator Ir WC CHEUNG, Chairman of Aircraft Discipline Workshop
Objective This 2-hour workshop aims to address the following: 1) To give a brief
introduction of membership application processes; 2) To review and share the
experience of the new competence-based PA; 3) To explain the Mentorship
scheme and the acceptable alternative English qualifications
All engineers who are interested in or
preparing for HKIE Corporate membership application under Aircraft Discipline
are invited to this workshop. To facilitate the discussion, you are invited to
bring your questions/ enquiries to the workshop. Light refreshment would be provided in the event. Registration
& Enquiries: The registration is free of charge. Prior registration is
required. The number of participants is limited to 50 and applications will be
accepted on a first-come first-served basis with priority to members of the
Aircraft Discipline / Division, HKIE. For registration, please enrol before 12th May,
2023 via Participants will receive a certificate upon attendance of the workshop.
For enquiries, please contact Mr. Henry HUANG via Aircraft Division Committee |