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Aircraft Division 9th Annual General Meeting (AGM)



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 9th Annual General Meeting of Aircraft Division will be held on Friday, 24 April 2020 at 6:30pm at the Regal Airport Hotel, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau, Hong Kong, for the following purposes:

  1. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the 8th AGM.
  2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2019/2020.
  3. To receive and adopt the Financial Statement of the Division for Session 2019/2020.
  4. To elect the Chairman and Ordinary Members of the Division Committee for Session 2020/2021.
  5. New Chairman's Address.

In case of adjournment of the AGM, members of the Division shall check on the Institution’s website at http://www.hkie.org.hk and the Division’s website at http://ac.hkie.org.hk of the revised venue, time and date for the adjourned AGM.

Members are advised to wear a surgical mask to attend the AGM.

Ir Warren CHIM Wing Nin
Honorary Secretary
16 April 2020


Nominations for Division Chairman and Ordinary Members

Division Chairman
The outgoing Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Donny CHAN Wai Keung for election as the Chairman for Session 2020/2021.

No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.

Ordinary Members - under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules
The outgoing Division Committee has decided to opt for the maximum of 14 Ordinary Members, and seven Ordinary Members in the Committee shall retire by end of the Session, namely Ir Donny CHAN Wai Keung, Ir Jimmy TANG Sek Man, Ir CHAN Wai Kwong, Ir Ken CHAN Tat Lun, Ir Roger LEE Chak Man, Ir LAU Yat Fan and Mr Victor CHIU Siu Kei.

Following the retirement of the above Ordinary Members, there are seven vacancies for the Ordinary Members.

The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following six candidates for the Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Ir CHAN Wai Kwong, Ir CHAN Sai Leung, Ir CUA Kiu Kan, Ir CHAN Kam Tak, Ir CHAN Kwok Kin and Ir Kent WONG Tsz Kin.

One nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline: Ir Prof YU Ching Man.

As the number of nominations for the Ordinary Members is equal to the number of vacancies, a ballot shall not be held.

Ordinary Members - under Clause 7.2(d) of the Division Rules (i.e. Ordinary Members of the Committee who are 35 years of age or below)
There are two vacancies for the Ordinary Members. The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following two candidates for the Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Mr SUEN Man Kit and Mr LI Yeung Yin.

No other nomination has been received from members by the nomination deadline.

Enquiries: Ir Warren CHIM Wing Nin at 9105 6657 (WhatsApp) or email: HKIE.AC.2018@gmail.com.

2019 c HKIE

For the 9th Annual General Meeting, the following reports are available for download at the link below and under  the "Document Download" tab.

Annual Report: http://ac.hkie.org.hk/DocDown.aspx?imgDoc=128_Annual+Report_+2019_20.pdf

AGM Notice: http://ac.hkie.org.hk/DocDown.aspx?imgDoc=130_AC+9th+AGM+2nd+Notice.pdf

Honorary Treasurer's Report for Financial Year 2019/2020: http://ac.hkie.org.hk/DocDown.aspx?imgDoc=131_AC+Treasurer+Report+2019-2020.pdf




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